A renowned psychotherapist shares a hard earned way to reshape your thought process, request a miracle or cast a spell upon yourself. These spells are designed to replace those powerful play words “lets pretend,” “suppose” and “what if” that served you so well when you were younger and needed to master a task.
Wise men call it custom-made written prayer, scholars, soul reshaping and Native Americans, mental shapeshifting. This is a guided, deep dive into your subconscious that shows you how to train your inner voice to say clearly and loudly what you need to do in times of personal crisis, especially where you have failed before.
This is serious brain training. A practical way to outsmart your self-defeating habits. A survival tool to help you get to where you need to go.
Asking for a miracle or casting a spell upon yourself requires courage, a proven strategy and hard work. Done right, you make the ask, repeat your demands over and over again as you shape your arguments, perfect your phrasing and then, go about your business secure in the knowledge you have effectively communicated your needs and are now doing the best you can. When the “Ah Ha!” moment manifests, you will be in awe of what your higher power has done for you.
Don’t be shy. Don’t be afraid. Give Thinking Anew a try and see where it takes you. I guarantee you will be surprised . . . and hopefully pleased . . . at what you are capable of.
EGF, M.A. –
I Work With Mentally Ill Substance Abuse Clients Including Chemical Abusers
Thinking Anew presents a fresh concept and humanistic approach on self-help/recovery – – one which can be used by people with varied social/educational backgrounds and experiences. I’m sure you can look forward to helping many people with your personal and sincere approach.
GG –
Gene’s Black Book
“The Power of Thought.” Gene Moynihan’s practical guide on teaching yourself how to be the man God wants you to be and the man you always wanted and believed you could be.
Each day we take pen to pad and chart a course of our destiny. With each daily entry, we make a daily contract with our Higher Power, to which we focus all of our thoughts, goals and actions on living clean and within a spiritual framework that helps us experience serenity one day at a time.
R.C. –
Thoughts Become Things
As a result of this experience, my life has forever been altered. I regularly made physical on paper, the outcomes for any and all situations. At first there was little change, but through persistent and continued practice, my faith grew, I trusted the powers, I began to realize that I am one with my maker, and together we create our lives. Almost magically, things began to happen that were in accordance with what I desired and expressed in my daily writings. I felt empowered, changed, a new perspective blossomed and I understood, like never before, that we are all one, that our thoughts are creative, and when put down in writing, expressed physically, they became powerful creative forces in my life.
T. A. 0. –
Try it. You Don’t Have to Buy it
I’m not sure how written goal focused self-improvement works – but I know that it does. The power of focusing one’s thoughts, aspirations and intentions on paper daily seems to somehow give energy to those thoughts that had not existed before, and makes me more aware of the intervention of my Higher Power in my life, on an almost daily basis.
I met Gene, the author, in February 2008 when I began a journey to overcome some personal difficulties. The concept of “writing” was very foreign to me given that I work in a business that is conducted almost entirely on the phone and with electronic communication. Gene suggested simply: “Try it. You don’t have to buy it.”
I was in need of guidance, and the suggestion I may be able to find that guidance from within, through trust in a Higher Power, seemed to be ideas worth trying. I began writing on a daily basis – focusing my thoughts on the positive aspects of my life experiences. Gene guided me to accentuate positive action, in the present tense – directly involving my own life circumstance. I would almost describe it as a form of prayer, a daily affirmation of what I know, what I care about, what I’m working toward, and the people I love.
As time progressed, I was encouraged to incorporate daily aspects of my life into the intentions of my writing – Gene refers to this as “segment intending” and like a grammar school pupil, I simply tried his suggestion. Soon I began to experience some of the ‘Holy S#T” moments that Gene always referred to. I can’t explain it, nor will I even try. It is something you need to experience.
Debra P. –
I’m On My Second Book
I want to thank you both for bring to light “Thinking Anew”. I have been able to see ideas unfold before me with the writings. I have met several people that I would have not otherwise in my day to day passing. Today I am meeting with an individual that will help move me forward in my business. I expect great results from this meeting. Thank you again. I am grateful for God’s direction in my life and those he has placed around me. Blessings to you both, Debra
Debra P. –
The Man in Seat 20B Asked Me to Autograph His Book
Almost three quarters into the flight I opened my book “Thinking Anew.” As I lay open the page it caught Mr. Rogers’s attention as he commented, “interesting…… It’s not your business! Get out of my life. I like that!” I turned to him and said this is a very powerful tool, I can’t tell you how many times I have reread this book to be reminded of the principles. I shared with him a few of my writings and how it has worked for me.
We continued to share and I was quite interested in his story. Mr. Rogers was retired from the military and was heading back home from his brother’s funeral in Texas. He said he was the youngest of eight. His brother died of cancer. I shared that I was returning from the breast cancer walk in Charlotte, NC and how amazing it was to be a part of the walk. He went on to tell me that he lead monthly meetings for the veterans, they were drug and alcohol recovery groups. He said his next meeting was Friday (4 days away). He mentions that the meeting on Friday was called “What in Hell do you want” and by the way, can I buy this book somewhere?
I turned the pages to share more of the book to find myself tearing out about six pages I had written over the past few days. I closed the book and said “I’d like for you to receive this gift that keeps giving.” Mr. Rogers was so very touched. He said, ‘God is so good.” He accepted the book as I said, “Enjoy.” He began to read it and was quiet for some time. I saw him close the book and then reopen to say, “Would you be so kind to autograph this book for me”.
I was honored to be seated next to Mr. Rogers on flight 1285 today. I shared my email address and asked him to send me an email with his comment to be shared with the two of you.
Thank you for the opportunity to share once again.
Marsha Cooper –
Free Your Mind to Use Your Imagination
I see and feel such a positive difference in my life just since starting to write February 20th. I missed one day writing first thing in the morning as I over slept. The rest of the day was nothing but chaos. The power of positive thinking and writing is real. Marsha Cooper, Marsha’s Spot